Cancel Order

You can cancel your order within 60 minutes after you place it. It is enough to go to the My Orders menu and click on the Make Cancellation Request button in your order once. If you have purchased without creating a membership, you can submit your request by phone, e-mail or using the contact form on our contact page.

If your Request Cancellation button is not active, your 60 minutes have expired. In this case, cancellation cannot be made. You can send a return after receiving your order.

Your refund will be made simultaneously when your order status appears as Canceled. It may take a few days to reflect on your card, and you can track it in detail from your bank.


Return Order

You can return your order within 30 days after receiving it. We have certain conditions for returning the product and our conditions are as follows.

What you need to do for a return is as follows.

You can send the product you want to return by filling out the return form at the bottom of your invoice with the courier that brought the product to our address.

If your entire order is to be returned, it is sufficient to send both copies of your invoice, and only the first copy if you have items left in your order.

Return shipping is free.

After your return shipment reaches our warehouse, you will be refunded within 10 working days.

*Weekends and public holidays are not business days.

Delivery time may vary as a result of the return shipment reaching the wrong address.

The return period starts from the date the product reaches us, not from the date you provide the shipment.

Since the return shipment is made by you, you can request your tracking number from the courier company/branch you provide the shipment to.

With this number, you can check the shipment tracking and delivery date.

When your refund is made, an information e-mail is sent to your member e-mail address.

If you are not a member, ask your bank for information.



In accordance with the Consumer Law, the return conditions are as follows, and if you make your return as described in the heading Returning, your return transactions will be finalized as soon as possible.

Returns must be made with the original box and/or packaging of the product. (The original box, if available, is the product’s own packaging. It is not the parcel in which your order was delivered.)

In cases where there is no original packaging, we ask you to package the product in such a way that it will not be damaged, if the return process of damaged products is negatively answered, do not forget that the products you return are checked after they reach us.

  • Attention cannot be bought by someone else, etc. Returns of products are not accepted.
  • You must also notify the original invoice, waybill (all copies in the Consumer) and the reason for the return, together with the product to be returned.
  • For products that may experience incompatibility problems in product selection, technical support should be obtained and an order should be placed after determining the appropriate product.
  • Requests for product return, except for hidden defects, must be made within 30 days of receipt of the product.
  • The 30-day period has been determined as an absolute period in accordance with the legislation, and it is requested to pay special attention to this issue.
  • The product is damaged, damaged, lost its economic value, faulty, etc. The defects will be checked at the time of cargo delivery, the cargo/transport company representative will assist the Consumer in this regard, the products with such defects, defects, etc. will not be received by the Consumer, and the cargo authority will not deliver the product to the Consumer in case such issues are detected.
  • Special orders, orders that are produced/processed specially for the customer (measured, manufactured or manufactured specifically for the consumer) cannot be returned. In this respect, it is absolutely necessary to report detailed features and measurements in order to take the measurements correctly, to get technical support during the measurement stages, and to minimize the errors.



Regarding the return request that complies with the above-mentioned conditions, the Consumer;

  • Sending the product to us by “putting it in a solid cardboard box or similar packaging” (together with the product, invoice, waybill, etc.) in a way to prevent the original packaging of the product from being damaged,
  • When we receive a proper return, the request is reviewed by the Returns department,
  • If the consumer/customer return request complies with the above-mentioned conditions and the relevant legal legislation, the return process/process is initiated.
  • Return period varies between 3(three)-7(seven) days. Contact the Customer/Consumer for the return examined by the returns department.By crying, one of the processes of sending new products and refunds is carried out according to your preference. Return requests that do not meet the conditions specified within the scope of these return transactions will not be accepted/received and will be returned to the Customer/Consumer.